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Yoga at Sankofa Nursery with Beam Academy

At Sankofa, we've partnered with BEAM ACADEMY ( to offer yoga and mindfulness classes to children. During the classes children are led through fun stories and adventures, role-play, songs, games, warm ups and relaxation combined with yoga inspired postures.

Citrus Fruits

Toddler and Pre-schooler classes

Apart from their own incredibly imaginative stories, BEAM ACADEMY also adopts popular children's stories like The Three Little Pigs, The Gruffalo, Giraffes Can't Dance and seasonal stories to fit in with Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day and Chinese New Year etc…

The classes start off with an energising warm up and breathing technique. The children will then embark on a fun adventure through yoga poses followed by a game, visualisation and relaxation. Each week there will be a new story to fuel the children's imagination.

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Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness

  1. Improves balance, coordination and motor skills 

  2. Complies with the EYFS and Every Child Matters.

  3. Keeps children active and helps reduce the rising levels of childhood obesity.

  4. Develops children's confidence through role-play and story-telling, helping them to become more creative and able to express themselves.

  5. Helps children maintain their natural flexibility throughout their early years and into the next milestone of their lives.

  6. Breathing techniques help children focus and improves energy levels.

  7. Supports young children who suffer from separation anxiety, lethargy and negativity.

  8. Relaxation and visualisation techniques support children's mental health and memory retention. 

  9. Increases happiness and a feeling of comfort as yoga is a non-competitive and all inclusive programme. 

  10. Mindfulness teaches children how to recognise and acknowledge emotions and provides simple tools and techniques to assist. 


BEAM ACADEMY's yoga and mindfulness programme does not include any religious connotations, except the belief of providing a fun physical programme to develop children's emotional, social, physical and mental health.


For more information about the yoga classes, please visit or contact

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